Coaching Courses

Coaches play a crucial role in developing and inspiring the next generation of cricketers across all levels of the game. Cricket NSW is committed to providing ongoing support and education to help all coaches be the best they can be.

Coaching a cricket team is a rewarding experience and a great way to contribute to players having a fun, enjoyable and rewarding experience whilst participating in Junior Community Cricket. Cricket NSW in partnership with Australian Cricket is pleased to provide a wide variety of resources and accreditation programs to support coaches throughout NSW.

Coach Hub

Coaching Courses

Regional Coach Development Workshops

Cricket NSW are delivering a number of Coach Development Workshops across regional NSW this Summer. These Coach Development Workshops are ideal for those coaching at Junior Club (Stage 2/3 or Senior) or Representative level. These workshops take a more in depth look at the technical and game-based elements of a specific skill of the game e.g. Batting, Fielding, Wicket Keeping, Fast Bowling. 

Woolworths Cricket Blast Co-Ordinator Training

A must for volunteer coordinators delivering the Woolworths Cricket Blast program including administration tips, session planning and skill activity videos.

Junior Cricket - Community Coaching Course

Junior cricket coaches are key to creating a fun, safe, and inclusive environment where players develop physical, social, and cognitive skills, fostering a lifelong love of cricket. The free Community Coaching Course helps first-time coaches and those seeking accreditation, offering resources for dynamic training and match-day experiences. Accreditation includes two online modules and a practical workshop.

To register to attend a practical workshop and receive more information, click on a course below.

Date Time Location Registration
Monday, 24 March 6:00-8:00pm

Cricket Central, Silverwater

Register Here
Wednesday, 26 March 6:00-8:30pm

Hunter Christian School, Newcaslte

Register Here
Thursday, 27 March 6:30-8:30pm Brownes Farm Reserve, Hoxton Park Register Here
Friday, 16 May 6:00-8:00pm The Ponds Stadium, The Ponds Register Here

New courses are added weekly, so be sure to keep checking for one in your area!


Cricket Australia Coach Accreditation Courses

Foundation Coach Accreditation Course

Community Coach Accreditation Course

Advanced Coach Accreditation Course

Representative Coach Accreditation Course

High Performance Coach Accreditation Course


CA Coach App


Official Partners