Cricket NSW heralds’ women and girls’ funding

Cricket NSW CEO Lee Germon has heralded the NSW Government’s Level the Playing Field Program after the investment of up to $30 million in championing women’s participation in sport was announced last week.

The Level the Playing Field Program will fund new and upgraded facilities as well as deliver fit-for-purpose amenities, such as change rooms and improved lighting, to foster a safe and inclusive environment for women and girls.

“We thank and congratulate the NSW Government as we collectively strive to grow the number of women and girls playing and loving cricket,” Germon said.

“We have seen solid growth in women and girls’ registrations for a number of years and this funding will only serve to continue that upward trajectory.

“Offering an inclusive and friendly environment for female participants is a priority for us, with creating women and girl’s only competitions, fit-for-purpose amenities and flexible scheduling just some of the areas we are focussed on.

NSW Minister for Sport Steve Kamper said:
“The Matildas have changed the landscape of women’s sport forever and this funding will ensure the momentum continues across all codes.

“Research shows that girls start to lose interest in sport and physical activity during their teens. Factors that can influence their decision to withdraw from sport include the quality of facilities and whether the environment is inclusive.

“Our aim is to nurture the lifelong participation of girls in sport by delivering fit-for-purpose facilities and amenities so that women and girls of all ages feel comfortable, safe and welcome.”

NSW Minister for Women, Jodie Harrison:
“Watching the Matildas during the recent Women’s World Cup really galvanised the nation and put a fire in the belly of women and girls to get involved in sport.

“But we know women face different barriers to men when participating in sport. This is an important announcement which demonstrates the NSW Government’s commitment to levelling the playing field and backing female participation in sport.”

The grant program is now open for applications:

Level the Playing Field Program applications will close on Thursday, 30 November 2023, 1:00pm.

To apply, visit the Office of Sport website:

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