Management of cricket during extreme heat

With temperatures set to soar in some parts of the state this weekend, the health and safety of NSW’s cricket community should be the paramount consideration for all cricket organisations.

Before commencing play, or during play, in any organised community cricket competitions, matches or training, Australian Cricket Heat Guidelines, should be followed at all times. Those guidelines, that include specific resources developed for the management of extreme heat for both Senior and Junior Cricket, can be found HERE.

Cricket NSW Premier Cricket clubs should be guided by the Sydney Cricket Association’s clear and established Extreme Heat Policy. Under that policy, all Premier Cricket matches have been rescheduled to start earlier tomorrow, with matches now beginning at 9.00am.

Further to the Australian Cricket Heat Guidelines, below are some strategies that could assist clubs and associations to manage the effects of extreme heat:

  • Re-scheduling of matches earlier (before 1200) or later (after 1500) to avoid the hottest part of the day
  • Increase player rest and rotation 
  • Extend or increase the number and frequency of drinks breaks as heat extremities increase
  • Sun protective measures - Long sleeved clothing, broad brim hats, sunglasses and shade during breaks where possible
  • Ensure players all have their own drink bottles
  • Players to drink plenty of water before, during and post match or cricket activity

With all available resources and heat management strategies considered, CNSW reiterate that the health and safety of NSW’s cricket community should be the paramount consideration for all cricket organisations at all times.

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