If you believe a child is in immediate danger or in a life-threatening situation, contact the Police immediately on 000.
Report a Disclosure or Incident
Our Commitment to Safeguarding Children & Young People
Australian Cricket, comprising Cricket Australia and each of the State and Territory Cricket Associations, seeks to provide a safe, fair and inclusive environment for everyone involved in cricket and in particular Children and Young People.
We are committed to supporting everyone involved in our sport including Affiliated Associations and Clubs to safeguard Children and Young People in their care. Part of this commitment to Children and Young People in our sport means that we are inclusive of those from a range of different backgrounds. This includes but is not limited to:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children and Young People
- Children and Young People with a disability
- LGBTQ+ Children and Young People; and
- Children and Young People from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
Cricket NSW has signalled its intention to join the National Redress Scheme and as of June 2023, has commenced the onboarding process. Any enquiries can be directed to the Head of Integrity.
Hannah Barnes | Head of Integrity, Risk & Legal | M: +61 426 681 271
Our Approach
Click on below link to download a copy.
CNSW Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy
Cricket NSW encourages every affiliated Club and Association to share its commitment to child safety by endorsing the Australian Cricket Safeguarding Children and Young People Framework. This has four central components:
- Electing or appointing a nominated Child Safe Officer(s)
- Endorsing by signature and then abiding by the Australian Cricket Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy
- Endorsing by signature and upholding the Australian Cricket Looking After Our Kids Code of Behaviour
- Implementing the actions, procedures and practices recommended in the Code of Behaviour and other resources
10 Child Safe Standards
The Children’s Guardian Amendment (Child Safe Scheme) Bill 2021 introduced 10 Child Safe Standards to create safer environments and organisations.
The Child Safe Standards are:
- Child safety is embedded in organisational leadership, governance and culture
- Children participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously
- Families and communities are informed and involved
- Equity is upheld and diverse needs are taken into account
- People working with children are suitable and supported
- Processes to respond to complaints of child abuse are child focused
- Staff are equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children safe through continual education and training
- Physical and online environments minimise the opportunity for abuse to occur
- Implementation of the Child Safe Standards is continuously reviewed and improved
- Policies and procedures document how the organisation is child safe.
Cricket NSW is committed to supporting the volunteers of cricket clubs and associations to uphold the 10 Child Safe Standards and to offer a safe, enjoyable and rewarding environment for everyone involved.
If you believe a child is in immediate danger or in a life-threatening situation, contact the Police immediately on 000.
In the event of a complaint or allegation of child abuse that indicates child abuse has/may have or is likely to occur, you must immediately notify the police and/or the relevant state/territory government agency. For information on reporting allegations of child abuse, you may view Schedule B of the CNSW Member Protection Policy.
Useful Links/Resources
Cricket Australia's Looking After Our Kids Webpage
Play by the Rules/Sport Integrity Australia - Child Protection and Safeguarding Course