Senior Community Cricket

There are numerous opportunities to become involved in Senior Community Cricket throughout NSW, whether that be as a player, umpire, scorer or club official.

Senior Competitions are played in more than 100 locations across the State with a standard of competition to suit everyone. Most competitions carry no age-restrictions however participating clubs must assess the capabilities of players aged under 18 years in exercise.



Senior Community Cricket is governed by four distinct organisations in NSW:

Country Cricket New South Wales (CCNSW) – responsible for the administration of Cricket Zones and affiliated Cricket Councils Associations and Clubs outside of the Sydney metropolitan area

Sydney Cricket Association (SCA) – responsible for the administration of the NSW Premier Cricket and Sydney Shires competitions

Veterans Cricket NSW (VCNSW) – responsible for the administration of Veterans Cricket* Clubs and Associations across NSW

*Veterans Cricket refers to age-restricted competitions generally catering specifically for players aged 40 and over.



Participating in a Senior Community Cricket competition as a player is as simple as going to and searching for a local club to register with*. If you have any question about participating, contact details for a committee member of each club are available on the website.

*Some of the competitions administered by the SCA and VCNSW are merit-based and certain criteria may apply to those seeking to participate



Umpiring is a great way to participate in Senior Community Cricket and demand for suitably qualified umpires is always high. Often Umpires are eligible to receive a match payment for their services, the rates for which are determined by the Association administering the competition. Many Senior Community Cricket Competitions also have their own Umpires Association where you can meet and learn from other local umpires.

To pursue opportunities to umpire in competitions administered by the Sydney Cricket Association you must become a member of the NSW Cricket Umpires and Scorers Association by attending an Umpiring Course and passing an entrance exam. For opportunities in all other competitions, we recommend that you contact the local Association directly to understand what qualifications may apply.

Click here for more information about becoming an Umpire



Acting as the Scorer of a game of cricket is an enjoyable pastime for many. If you have a good understanding of the game or would like to learn more, and have a good attention to detail, then scoring is for you! Scoring a game of cricket is traditionally performed with the use of a specifically designed scorebook but close to half of all community cricket matches are now scored via an electronic scoring app on a smartphone or tablet. Electronic scoring simplifies the process for recording the events of a match making it easier for beginners to learn the ropes.

To become involved as a Scorer, we recommend enquiring with a local club directly by using the contact details contained within the website. Local clubs and associations will often host training sessions for prospective Scorers, particularly in the use of the electronic scoring app. Additional training is also offered by the NSW Cricket Umpires and Scorers Association.

Click here for more information about becoming a Scorer

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