Club Support

Cricket NSW Female Engagement Strategy 

Cricket NSW have bold plans to increase the number of girls playing cricket, working hand in hand with clubs, associations and schools.

Here is a document with key kips on making your clubs more welcoming for girls and women:

Women in Sport UK resources – creating allies for your girls

These are fantastic simple to use resources for coaches and clubs for ways to engage more girls:

Helpful Tips 

As the number of girls and women playing cricket grows both in mixed teams and female only teams, remember to use gender neutral language when addressing teams and at presentation nights, rather than referring only to “boys”. 

Examples include: 

  • teammate  
  • team 
  • girls and boys 
  • kids 
  • player 
  • cricketer 

Vocabulary is simple but makes a considerable difference to how girls and women feel and bond at your club.  Gender neutral language means everyone feels included.  

Funding available for Junior Clubs for Girls

Each season we have grants available to support local clubs. The Growing Cricket for Girls and Leading Clubs Grant give grants to clubs looking to help create and retain girls' teams. Contact your local cricket manager or Julie Stafford ( to discuss. Money can be used for:

  • Equipment
  • Coaching
  • Coloured uniforms for girls
  • Other ideas

Female Coaches

We’re focussed on changing the landscape of cricket by having more female coaches.

Please check out this page that tells you all the info you need on how to become a coach and keep an eye out for female only coaching courses run locally.

Female Umpires

We’re also keen on getting far more females umpiring that currently we have!

Check out this page for everything you need for umpiring:

For more information please contact Claire Polosak:

Official Partners