Australian Cricket Infrastructure Funding (ACIF) Round 1 of the 2024/25 ACIF is now closed.Applications made under this round are currently being assessed.Applicants will be notified in December 2024.Round 2 2024/25 will open in April 2025. Please contact your Cricket Manager to discuss upcoming applications and compliance to ACIF guidelines. ACIF Guidelines The ACIF provides funding in the following three categories: Minor: $1,000 — $15,000 Pitches, practice facility refurbishment, minor change facility/pavilion refurbishment, supporting infrastructure (e.g. shade/shelter) Up to 50% of the total project cost Major: $15,001 — $40,000 New practice facilities*, significant oval upgrades, sports lighting, change facility/pavilion upgrade, major refurbishments Up to 50% of the total project cost Strategic: Above $40,000 The Strategic category of the ACIF aims to deliver on the strategic priorities of Australian Cricket through the support of key facility projects. Projects submitted to the Strategic Cricket Infrastructure Funding category will: Provide benefits to the cricket community Contribute to increasing participation across a broader area or region Involve multiple stakeholders and contributors Deliver outcomes against Australian Cricket’s strategic priorities (e.g. leading sport for women and girls, create the best experiences to grow junior cricket etc.) The project can relate to any aspect of the facility, with multi-faceted projects that incorporate the addition and/or upgrade of multiple components within a facility being highly regarded. To discuss any projects requiring investment of over $40,000 please contact the Government Relation and Infrastructure team at Key Dates Round 1 2024/25: Closed 29 October 2024Notification of applications: December 2024Contracting of Round 1 2024/25: January 2025Round 2 2024/25: April 2025 Contacts If you have a project or facility that you would like to see upgraded, please contact: Dean Hunter, State Infrastructure Manager – David Tricca, Government Relations Manager –